

Prof. Raed Abd-Alhameed

Professor of Electromagnetic and Radio Frequency Engineering at the University of Bradford, UK.

Raed A Abd-Alhameed has long years research experience over 25 years in the areas of Radio Frequency, Communications systems, Signal processing, antennas and electromagnetic computational techniques, and has published over 600 academic journal and conference papers; in addition he is co-authors of four books and several book chapters. He is the senior academic responsible for electromagnetics research in the communications research group, in which a new antenna design configurations and computational techniques have been developed including several patents were considered and filed. Jointly with Dr James M Noras and Prof Excell (now he is the Professor visitor at Bradford University), he has developed the principle of the hybrid method for electromagnetic field computation, which is able to combine the most appropriate method for differing regions of a problem (e.g. the human head and a mobile telephone).

Speaker 1